My lovely, well-organized posting plan went down the toilet. Yes, I know, I know, I'm a failure!
I got really, really sick last Monday. I spent the entire night puking my guts out, then not eating anything because I felt so horrible for the next three days. I spent all of Tuesday sleeping and sipping Powerade to try and get better, then the rest of the days recovering while I was in school. Which sucked. But oh well.
I'm working on drafting my next posts for this week today and tomorrow, so hopefully you won't have to wait for so long in between posts. As for videos, I try my best to find something to film on Sunday's, but I'm not always going to be posting tutorials because I lack the inspiration (and talent lol) to film something cool every time. However, I will be doing my best this next week at keeping to some sort of schedule.
This is what I'm thinking:
Thursday: Review or Haul posts.
Sunday: I film and edit my tutorial/haul/etc.
Tuesday: Video with accompanying blog post.
That's all I'm thinking for now. I may have some extra time this week and post all the things I promised I would post last week, but I'm not putting them on my to-do list.
I apologise profusely! :)